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Your Document Management Solution

Exploding volumes of content, multiple content libraries, growing compliance requirements, process improvement demands. How do you solve these challenges, streamline your claims processes and ensure that the right information is available to make the right decision for your business?

iDocc is the document management module for the i.Comp Workers’ Compensation Management System. Version 2.0 adds integrated scanning capabilities which allows you to scan directly to the claim. In addition, i.Docc is now integrated with the i.Link module of i.Comp allowing you to attach electronic documents to any record in your database. With i.Docc you can index, archive, manage, retrieve, and control all kinds of files, including word-processing files, spreadsheets, sound, graphics and scans .i.Docc links any document to a claim, creating families of documents that can be easily referenced and processed to meet your needs. In addition, any document is automatically linked to the World Wide Web if you have the optional i.See installed. i.Docc enables i.Comp to manage all aspects of your claim file.


Features and benefits

Scan any document directly to a claim and index on the fly.

Import any type of electronic file. ie. Word, Excel, pdf, voice and attach to a claim.

Integrated with i.Link, allowing you to attach any electronic file to any record in the database.

Easily locate any document, because all documents are stored with your claim.

With PDF merging, i.Comp can combine all PDF files in an attachment into a single file for easy distribution.

Documents can be viewed/shared amongst all i.Comp users, even web users. The i.Docc central library of documents is created on the Server computer.

Complete copies of computer files of any type are stored in the library for subsequent viewing or retrieval and printing.

Documents can be deleted and/or updated at a later date.

System file attributes such as computer name, create and modify date/times are automatically saved along with the document.

A Description/Abstract field allows you to capture addition information about the docu- ment.

A Keyword field allows you to assign keywords to documents for accurate retrieval using search by keyword.

The i.Docc document repository can be defined at the system level and can be easily backed up separately from the i.Comp datafile.